Summertime Blues

It’s not just vampires that get out of sorts during the bright hot months. Seasonal affective disorder: not just for winter anymore! Summer SAD is a THING!


Personally, I’ve always trended up in winter and down in summer. If you or your loved one gets cranky and moody when everyone else is out in that effing sun - or if you’re not SAD exactly, but need some serious shade away from the BBQs - here are some tips for you.

Find balance in bipolar.

As a mental health coach with an action-oriented program, I will help you map out and manage your own long-term stability. I was diagnosed with Bipolar 1 in 1998, and have been stable for over 20 years.  You—yes, you!—can have a stable life, too.  Find more information at 


Follow Your Nose


On the Habit Trail